For those in Berlin: my friend Laure Catugier and I will make a presentation our work Rhythms of Living as part of the finissage of Soft Ground, where some of Laure’s works are on display. Annekatrin Kiesel will join us and explain about the choreography process as well.
24.11, 18.00 | BHROX bauhaus reuse, Ernst-Reuter-Platz, 10587 Berlin
The closing event will be featured by artists Laure Catugier and Felipe Vaz who will present their cooperative project “Rhythms of Living” which combines modernist architecture, electronic music and dance as a multi-sensorial experience.
The exhibition summarizes five years of critical thinking on modernity and it is the result of a critical and interdisciplinary reflection on modernism undertaken within five years of the Exercising Modernity project.